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Why Your Vote Counts

Real change happens when we stop repeating the problems of the past and reach out for new voices. It is time to fight for families. It's time to fight for women and men, for the environment and our land, and to fight to safeguard the hearts and minds of our children.

I am  LaTasha Holloway, and I am ready to represent you. Please vote for me on November 8, 2022.

LaTasha's Congressional Keys

I believe that Our Country is the Greatest, Richest, and Most Powerful country on

the planet. I believe we have great people, awesome potential, and misleading leadership.

There are injustices across social norms that intersect on different economic and local levels. 

I know that some people want to see the world burn. However, I also know that the

divide between the average American is far  less than  the media will tell it. I’ve seen

and interacted with great people across Hampton Roads, and I believe the spirit

of goodness, is at the heart of most Americans.

I believe that underrepresented voices can speak truth to power if

politicians stop treating them as guaranteed votes. I’m talking to

those voices that constantly vote for the same people while hoping

for a better outcome. It’s time to stop the cycle. If you believe your voice

is underrepresented in government, then stop giving it to the unworthy.

Give it to me. Help me fight for you.

I believe in supporting American Families that choose to take care of

their elderly members in the home with the same benefit payment

that foster caretakers would receive from the government if those

same people were not in the home.

I believe that our environment is special and fragile. We are stewards of the

land on which we live, and we should take every reasonable care in the way

we treat it. There is no reason to be wasteful or harmful to the land, air, or

sea. We will, after all, leave this treasure to our children. It would be a good

thing to give them the gift of temperance about how we consume and

preserve our only livable habitat, Earth.

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Here's What I have to say:

I'm Running for Congress and Need your help to Win.

I want to be your voice in Virginia's 3rd Congressional District.

I believe new blood, thoughts, and experiences are needed to enact meaningful change on YOUR Street- not Main Street or Wall Street. 

My Fight for the Community Started Years Ago.

Leadership was thrust upon me when the Virginia Beach City Public School system was found to be harming my special needs children. I didn’t know about it until my kids started telling me that they didn’t like to go to school because they didn’t want to spend time int the “quiet room”. When the school wouldn’t give me any answers, I filed a Freedom of Information Act request, and the horrors of my young people were revealed. That’s when I knew I wasn’t just fighting for my kids.. I was fighting for all kids. That was the start. Today I advocate for responsible environmental care, promote underrepresented voices, and work to further the American Dream of Equality for All people.

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I Believe in the Environment and Need your help to Protect it.

Global Warming or Climate Change, do titles matter? No. The point is that our world is changing because of human impact. You can fight all day long about who or what is responsible, but in the end, we need to do something. Let's agree on that and work together for a better future.

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Support our Fight!

Fighting the good fight requires three things: values worth fighting for, a leader to represent those values, and money to fight for them. Please help me fight for the community with a monthly donation.

We're in this together and
I need your help.

Join the fight with LaTasha!

Real Change starts with YOU!

Be the change we need to Build a Better Hampton Roads. Join me at my civic events and have your voice heard.
Together we will make a difference.

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